
作者:東莞行通物流小美 / 2020-02-25 20:32 / 瀏覽次數(shù):
◆執(zhí)行合同 execute/carry out/fulfill a contract 
◆使合同生效 bring a contract into effect 
◆違背/撤銷和約 break/cancel a contract 
◆重合同守諾言 honor the contract and keep one’s words
◆再訂一個合同 repeat the contract 
◆順利執(zhí)行合同 to carry out the contract smoothly 
◆傳真所盤 fax somebody for offers
◆款式 design 
◆廣交會 Guangzhou Fair 
◆展覽品 exhibit
◆展出各種商品 a great variety of goods on display 
◆絲綢服裝 silk garments 
◆展出的攤位 exhibits stand 
◆暢銷 sell fast 
◆享有很高聲譽 enjoy a high reputation 
◆擁有良好銷路 command a good market/ find a ready market/enjoy fast sales 
◆報拉格斯最低到岸價 quote the lowest price CIF Lagos
◆經(jīng)營紡織品多年 be in the line of textiles for many years 
◆貨物受歡迎 the goods are very popular with customers / have met with a warm reception /be well received/accepted/ enjoy a wide popularity among the buyers 
◆市場情況惡化 the market take a change for the worse 
◆皮革服裝 leather garments 
◆玻璃制品 glassware 
根據(jù)平等互利 的原則 on the basis of equality and mutual benefits
◆重合同守信用 honor/observe/respect/abide by/keep to/stick to the contract and keep/fulfill/ carry out one’s promise; stand by what one says 
◆公平競爭fair play
◆商業(yè)信譽 commercial integrity
◆高度評價 speak highly of
◆與……熟悉 make one’s acquaintance 
◆經(jīng)營某商品be in the line of … product 
◆必需品 essential articles 
◆稅收 duty 
◆采取新的外貿(mào)政策 take up/adopt new foreign trade policy
◆遵守通行的國際慣例 follow/observe the general international practices
◆分期付款 payment by installments 
◆外商獨資企業(yè) an enterprise exclusively with foreign capital  
◆補償貿(mào)易 compensation trade 
◆外貸 foreign loans 
◆進展迅速 progress rapidly
◆保持不變 remain unchanged
◆營銷 market 
◆完全有理由相信 have every reason to believe in …
◆先進技術(shù)與設(shè)備 advanced technology and equipment 
◆靈活的政策 flexible policy
◆有心事have something on one’s mind
◆經(jīng)濟蕭條 economic slackness 
◆裝船耽擱 delay in shipment 
◆通情達理 listen to reason
◆野蠻裝卸 rough handling 
◆理所當(dāng)然 stand to reason
◆不合情理 be contrary/against to reason
◆屬于你們的業(yè)務(wù)范圍 fall within the scope of your business 
◆包裝紙 packing paper 
◆塑料袋 polybag /polythene bag 
◆來料加工processing with supplied materials 
◆進料加工 processing with imported materials 
◆來樣加工 processing with supplied sample
◆來件裝配 assembling with supplied parts
◆租賃貿(mào)易 leasing trade
◆合資經(jīng)營 joint venture
◆開信用證 open an L/C
◆和某人達成協(xié)議 come to terms with somebody 
◆詢問有關(guān)條款 inquire about terms
◆使某人接受條款 bring somebody to terms 
◆執(zhí)行開放政策 pursue an open-door policy
◆一貫堅持平等互利的原則 always adhere to the principle of equality and mutual benefits
◆余額以優(yōu)惠付款的方式在…年內(nèi)付清 to have the rest in easy payments spread out in …years 
◆機床 machine tools 
◆專營 specialize in
◆供不應(yīng)求 demand exceeds supply
◆供過于求 supply exceeds demand
◆服務(wù)第一 service is the first motto 
◆樣品和規(guī)格 sample and specification 
◆滿足你方需求 to meet your requirements 
◆還盤 to make an counteroffer./counter bid
◆工藝美術(shù)品 arts and crafts
◆激烈競爭 sharp/fierce competition 
◆質(zhì)量和最后一道工序 the quality and finish
◆發(fā)貨 make the delivery 
◆站穩(wěn)腳跟 set a firm footing in…
◆顏色過于夸張 the color is too high-sounding 
◆訂購一空 be booked out 
◆按時裝船 punctual shipment 
◆脫銷 be out of stock
◆蝴蝶牌縫紉機 Butterfly sewing machine 
◆苛刻的付款條件 harsh payment terms 
◆無貨可供 no goods available 
◆暢銷品 best selling articles 
◆舊金山最低到岸價含傭金2% lowest quotation CIFC2%,San Francisco 
◆裝船單據(jù) shipping documents 
◆實盤 firm offer 
◆一旦供應(yīng)短缺  in case of short supply 
◆報盤有效期為15天 the offer will remain firm/valid/good/ for 15 days 
◆保險費 insurance premium 
◆運費 freight charge 
◆紅茶 black tea
◆售完 be sold out
◆茶葉產(chǎn)量急劇下降 the tea crop has sharply decreased
◆報盤兩天內(nèi)有效 the offer holds/remains good/firm/effective/valid for two days 
◆采取一切方式 employ all possible means
◆虎頭牌撲克 Tiger Head Brand playing cards
◆玻璃器皿銷路很暢/銷路不大/經(jīng)常有銷路 Glass wares are in great/small/regular demand.
◆增加供貨300箱茶葉 increase the tea supply by 300 cases
◆虧不起 can not afford to 
◆我們的報價大致如下:核桃50 公噸,每公噸歐洲主要口岸到岸價人民幣 2500 元,包括你方傭金2%,十月份裝運。 Our quotation is roughly as follows: Fifty metric tons of walnutmeat at RMB ¥ 2,500 per metric ton CIF European Main Port including your commission of 2% for shipment in October.
◆永久牌訓(xùn)練用自行車 Forever Brand Exercise Bicycle
◆以我方最后確認(rèn)為準(zhǔn) be subject to one’s final confirmation
◆有競爭余地 has edge on competition 
◆金獅牌折椅 Golden Lion folded chairs
◆地中海市場 the Mediterranean market
◆試訂 to place a trial order 
◆聽起來催人的 sound pushy
◆加緊,趕快 make haste
◆我們的記錄表明 Our record has it that…
◆熱那亞 Genoa
◆馬賽 Marseilles
◆安特衛(wèi)普 Antwerp
◆漢堡  Hamburg
◆哥本哈根 Copenhagen
◆以你方立即接受為準(zhǔn) be subject to your immediate acceptance
◆失效期 expiry date
◆印花棉布 printed cotton pieces 
◆同類產(chǎn)品 products of the same range
◆供現(xiàn)貨 supply from stock
◆即期裝運 prompt shipment
◆方便使用者user friendly
◆提高性能和可靠度 to improve efficiency and reliability 
◆高質(zhì)量理應(yīng)有高價 Better quality deserves higher price.
◆實際處境 actual position
◆不能與……匹敵 can not be comparable with/cannot compete with
◆高科技 high-tech
◆最后出價 final bid
◆這筆買賣真是賺了/賠了 It’s quite a bargain. 
◆加快裝運 to expedite shipment
◆值得推銷 be worth promoting 
◆報價比你方低 under-quote you
◆接受定貨 accept/book/enter an order
◆訂貨 place an order
◆續(xù)訂 repeat an order 
◆撤銷訂單 cancel the order
◆拒絕接受訂單 refuse/decline/turn down an order
◆羊毛 wool
◆不能接受你方報價 cannot entertain your offer 
◆從其它處得到的報價 to obtain quotation from other sources 
◆日本款式的貨 goods of Japanese make 
◆物超所值 give much value of the money
◆投放市場 put onto the market
◆減價6% cut down/shade the price by 6%
◆配合/順從某人 to comply with sb. 
◆最低價 bottom price/rock bottom price
◆成本價 cost price
◆市價 market price 
◆與市價不符  be out of line with the market level
◆價格上升 (the price) go up/increase/rise/advance
◆價格下降 (the price) come down/drop/fall/decline
◆價格偏高 be on the high side
◆提高 raise/improve/lift
◆減少 cut down/reduce/bring down
◆不能再往下去了 cannot go any further 
◆達成交易  to come to terms with you/to come to business/transaction with you on the following terms/ to close business at the price of/to close a deal with your offer/to conclude business/ to enter into business with you/to see/pull the business through
◆價格偏高 the price is on the high side
◆價格脫離我處的市場行情 the price is out of line with the ruling market 
◆價格比日本貨高出30% the price is 30% higher than that of Japanese goods
◆你一定知道 You must be aware of the fact that…
◆你不會不知道 You cannot be ignorant of the fact that…
◆(虧大了)更不用談什么利潤了 (We lose by…) not to speak of profit
◆價格飛漲 soar up
◆開門見山 come straight to the point
◆沒有機會 stand no chance
◆做成這筆交易 to pull the transaction through
◆折中 to meet each other half way
◆共同的努力 joint effort
◆把心里話說出來 to speak out one’s mind
◆當(dāng)然啰 by all means
◆沒問題 be out of question
◆沒門 be out of the question/by no means
◆價格意向 indication of price
◆分歧/差距太大 the gap is too wide
◆離題 get away from the point 
◆直達輪 direct steamer 
◆轉(zhuǎn)運 transshipment 
◆補償貿(mào)易 compensation trade
◆傭金 commission 
◆違背常見商務(wù)慣例go against the usual commercial practice
◆傭金代理商 commission agent 
◆干勁十足 strenuous efforts 
◆給予照顧 to extend one’s accommodation 
◆從總貨金中提取傭金 deduce from the value of the consignment
◆匯傭金 to remit commission 
◆價格低廉 keen price
◆利潤余地 profit margin 
◆已向外報價 be under offer 
◆暢銷貨 best sellers 
◆讓步 make concession 
◆推銷 to push the sale of 
◆專營這項產(chǎn)品 specialize in this line 
◆市場堅挺且有上升趨勢 firm market with an upward tendency 
◆不經(jīng)過中間商直接買賣 to deal with on principal-to-principal basis 
◆代理的商號 agent house 
◆薄利多銷 small profits make quick sales 
◆得寸進尺 be never satisfied/ be so insatiable 
◆太離題 go too far off the point
◆傭金率 commission rate 
◆經(jīng)營成本 operating cost
◆妥協(xié) make a compromise 
◆給傭金 grant commission
◆促銷 promote the sales
◆總而言之 in a nutshell 
◆大量詢價 a crowd of inquiries 
◆與廠商聯(lián)系要求追加訂貨 approach the manufacturers for an additional order 
◆凈價 net price
◆成交額 turnover 
◆對……無約束力 be without engagement 
◆支付方式 mode of payment
◆付款交單D/P (Document against Payment)  
◆承兌交單D/A (Document against Acceptance)
◆信用證L/C (Letter of Credit)
◆信譽地位 credit standing
◆保兌的不可撤銷的信用證 confirmed irrevocable L/C
◆超越我們能力 beyond our power
◆反之亦然 the other way round 
◆別無選擇只能 have no alternative other than/but
◆包裝不當(dāng) improper packing
◆備件 spare parts
◆使某人處于無休止的花費 be put to no end of expense
◆用即期信用證付款payment by L/C available against draft at sight
◆廠商訂單很多 the manufacturers are heavily committed
◆完全達成一致 arrive at a complete agreement/come to an agreement/conclude an agreement/ enter into an agreement/ reach an agreement/ make an agreement
◆結(jié)果令人滿意 turn out satisfactory
◆對……非常熟悉 be well acquainted with 
◆在這方面 in this respect 
◆遷就、照顧 accommodate 
◆在很少的情況下 under rare circumstances 
◆……不值得 it doesn’t pay for 
◆例外 make an exception 
◆一件一件來 one thing at a time 
◆遠(yuǎn)期信用證 time L/C
◆牽涉到許多花費 involve great expenses 
◆幫特別的忙 do a special favor 
◆履行義務(wù) to fulfill one’s obligation
◆取消合同 to cancel the contract
◆不受顧客歡迎 be out of favor with the customers 
◆(訂單)任務(wù)繁重 heavy commitments 
◆外匯匯率 rate of foreign exchange 
◆無與倫比 be superior beyond comparison 
◆辦個工廠 to run a factory 
◆有關(guān)的 covering
◆銀行手續(xù)費和保證金 bank charges as well as deposit 
◆備貨 to get the goods ready
◆訂艙 book the shipping space 
◆裝運 to effect shipment 
◆放心 rest assured 
◆諸如此類 and what not 
◆質(zhì)押資金 tie up one’s capital 
◆簽發(fā)信用證 to issue an L/C
◆開信用證 to open an L/C
◆出示單據(jù)議付 presentation of shipping documents and negotiation 
◆一定、務(wù)必 without fail 
◆展期20天 to extend for 20 days
◆憑樣交貨 shipment per sample 
◆允許分批裝運和轉(zhuǎn)船 partial shipment and transshipment allowed 
◆信用證少開了5000美元 the credit is short-established to the amount of $ 5000
◆買得起 afford to buy 
◆裝船延期 to postpone the shipmen t
◆盡力 to exert oneself 
◆及時交貨 timely delivery 
◆著手發(fā)運貨物 set about making delivery 
◆在有效期內(nèi) be within validity 
◆撤盤 to withdraw the offer 
◆金融狀況 financial status 
◆裝船通知 shipping advice
◆裝船須知 shipping instruction 
◆超過船舷 pass over the rail 
◆一勞永逸地告訴你 to tell you once and for all 
◆活到老學(xué)到老 one lives to learn
◆租船  to charter a ship 
◆承擔(dān)費用 to bear charges 
◆履行責(zé)任 to discharge/fulfill responsibilities 
◆裝運港 loading port 
◆關(guān)稅 custom duty 
◆合同號 contract number 
◆外行 layman 
◆或者說 or rather 
◆貨物吊上船 the goods on the hook
◆拍賣這一庫存 to sell off the stock
◆海關(guān)手續(xù) custom formalities 
◆虧本 lose out 
◆按嚴(yán)格程序 be in strict rotation 
◆提前裝運 to advance shipment 
◆確保準(zhǔn)時裝運 to ensure punctual shipment 
◆交易量 volume of trade 
◆(工人)上三班 work three shifts 
◆在手的過期未交貨訂單 back orders 
◆打退堂鼓 to back out 
◆忙季 busy season
◆旺季 high season 
◆蕭條季節(jié) slack season 
◆銷售季節(jié) shopping season 
◆上市、旺季 be in season 
◆下市、淡季 be out of season 
◆木箱 wooden case 
◆紙盒 cardboard box 
◆關(guān)稅配額 custom quota 
◆海關(guān)放行 custom clearance 
◆海關(guān)官員 custom officer 
◆安排裝船 arrange shipment 
◆加速裝船 expedite shipment 
◆延期裝船 extend shipment 
◆提前裝船 advance shipment 
◆延遲裝船 postpone shipment 
◆期貨 future 
◆艙位訂滿 the shipping space has been booked up 
◆直達輪 direct steamer 
◆增加貨物被盜或損壞的風(fēng)險 add to the risks of pilferage and damage 
◆修改信用證 to amend L/C
◆整批裝運 ship the whole lot at one time 
◆提出建議 to put forth a proposal 
◆急需這批貨 be in urgent need of the goods 
◆在途中 be in transit 
◆信用證條款與合同條款嚴(yán)格一致 the stipulations in the L/C are in strict conformity with that of the contract 
◆目的港 port of destination 
◆聚乙烯包裝物 polythene wrapper 
◆櫥窗展覽 window show 
◆立足市場 find a footing in the market 
◆趕時髦 to keep up with fashion 
◆式樣新奇、時尚 novel and fashionable design 
◆顏色鮮亮 bright color 
◆迎合顧客口味 to meet customers’ taste 
◆按照 as per 
◆攜帶輕便 light to handle 
◆保證安全 to ensure safety 
◆為……而感謝 be obliged for 
◆分公司 branch office 
◆小圓桶  keg 
◆麻袋 gunny bag 
◆鐵皮圓桶 drum 
◆茶葉箱 chest 
◆捆 bundle 
◆琵琶桶 barrel 
◆包裝費用 packing charges 
◆裝箱單 packing list 
◆包裝指示 packing instructions 
◆出口包裝 export packing 
◆內(nèi)包裝 inner packing 
◆外包裝 outer packing 
◆中性包裝 neutral packing 
◆適合海運的包裝 seaworthy packing/packing suitable for sea voyage 
◆遠(yuǎn)洋運輸 ocean transportation 
◆瓦楞硬紙板箱 three-layer cardboard boxes 
◆搶眼又搶錢 catch the eyes as well as the purse 
◆平安險 From Particular Average 
◆水漬險 With Particular Average 
◆一切險 All Risks 
◆額外保險 extra premium 
◆偷竊、提貨不著險 risk of Theft, Pilferage and Non-Delivery (TPND)
◆破碎險 risk of Breakage
◆油漬險 risk of Oil
◆滲漏險 risk of Leakage
◆玷污險 risk of Contamination 
◆罷工暴動、民變險 risk of Strike, Riot and Civil Commotion
◆淡水、雨淋險 risk of Fresh Water Damage
◆提出索賠 to lodge a claim
◆由某人付款 for one’s account 
◆商贊處 Commercial Counselor’s Office 
◆按發(fā)票金額 at the invoice value 
◆檢驗報告 a survey report 
◆獨家代理 sole agency
◆短交 short delivery 
◆豬鬃 bristle 
◆有廣泛的業(yè)務(wù)聯(lián)系 have a wide connection with/be closely connected with/ do considerable business with/ have close contact with/ be in close contact with 
◆銷售代理人 sales agent/selling agent 
◆采購代理人 purchasing agent/buying agent
◆獨家代理人 exclusive agent/sole agent
◆傭金代理人 commission agent
◆廣告代理人 advertising agent 
◆代理協(xié)議 agency agreement 
◆年成交量 annual turnover 
◆不遺余力 spare no effort 
◆生意興隆 a prosperous business 
◆在這一方面 in this connection 
◆紅豆 Red Bean
◆銷售條款 sales terms 
◆銷售合同 sales contract 
◆銷售額 sales turnover
◆銷售代表 sales representative 
◆市場活躍 market active 
◆市場呆滯market dull 
◆市價下跌 market declining
◆行市堅挺 market firm
◆行市疲軟 market easy
◆市況平穩(wěn) market stable
◆市況堅挺 market strong
◆市況不明 market uncertain 
◆市場疲軟 market weak
◆控制市場 to control the market 
◆穩(wěn)定物價 to stabilize the price 
◆加倍努力 double your efforts 
◆看透心事read one’s mind 
◆國內(nèi)需求會急劇上漲 the domestic demand will go up sharply 
◆定個時間 fix the time 
◆紡織品 textile 
◆電器產(chǎn)品 electricity products 
◆化工產(chǎn)品 chemicals 
◆達成協(xié)議 come to terms with
◆增添和刪除 addition and deletion 
◆市場下跌(熊市) with the market being bear
◆會議紀(jì)要 meeting minutes 
◆附件 accessory 
◆中國國際貿(mào)易促進委員會 CCPIT
◆仲裁委員會 Arbitration Commission 
◆求助于仲裁 resort to arbitration 
◆享有很高聲譽 enjoy a high prestige
◆仲裁裁決 arbitral award 
◆完好無損 sound and intact 
◆中國商檢局 China Commodity of Inspection 
◆符合出口標(biāo)準(zhǔn) be up to the standard of export
◆優(yōu)質(zhì)干蘑菇 well-dried mushrooms of fine quality 
◆向…...要求賠償 to approach …. For compensation 
◆當(dāng)場 on the spot 
◆證明 certify/verify/testify 
◆在途中 during transit/en route/on the way
◆提出索賠 to lodge/make/raise/issue/file/register/put in/ bring up a claim
◆短重 short weight 
◆就貨進行索賠 claim on goods 
◆就損壞索賠 claim for damage
◆就數(shù)量索賠 claim for amount 
◆向某人索賠 claim with/against somebody 
◆接受索賠 to accept a claim
◆受理索賠 to entertain a claim
◆同意索賠 to admit a claim 
◆駁回索賠 to dismiss a claim
◆拒絕索賠 to reject/decline/turn down a claim
◆解決索賠 to settle a claim 
◆放棄索賠 to waive a claim 
◆撤回索賠 to withdraw a claim
◆提單清潔的 Bill of Lading is clean
◆剪樣 cutting
◆權(quán)威部門authorized department 
◆合同中寫明的 specified in the contract 
◆接受索賠 to entertain a claim
◆不可挽回的損失 get retrievably lost 
◆檢驗費 inspection fee
◆理賠方面公平合理 be prompt and equitable in settling claims
◆澄清問題 get the matter cleared up
◆貨物發(fā)霉不能食用 the contents are moldy and unfit for consumption 
◆密封 airtight
◆塑料薄膜口袋 plastic bag 
◆迅速發(fā)貨 immediate/rush dispatch of the goods
◆董事會 board of directors 
◆為……鋪平道路 pave the way for 
◆友善的洽談 amiable negotiation 
◆留下深刻鮮明的印象 leave a deep and vivid impression on somebody
◆主持會議 to preside over a meeting
◆擴音器 public address system 
◆再見,一路順風(fēng)(法)Bon Voyage
◆檢票 check in 
◆與國際接軌 bring in line with the international practice
◆登艙 go on board 
◆世界貿(mào)易組織 World Trade Organization (WTO)
◆執(zhí)行合同 execute/carry out/fulfill a contract 
◆使合同生效 bring a contract into effect 
◆違背/撤銷和約 break/cancel a contract 
◆重合同守諾言 honor the contract and keep one’s words
◆再訂一個合同 repeat the contract 
◆順利執(zhí)行合同 to carry out the contract smoothly 
◆傳真所盤 fax somebody for offers
◆款式 design 
◆廣交會 Guangzhou Fair 
◆展覽品 exhibit
◆展出各種商品 a great variety of goods on display 
◆絲綢服裝 silk garments 
◆展出的攤位 exhibits stand 
◆暢銷 sell fast 
◆享有很高聲譽 enjoy a high reputation 
◆擁有良好銷路 command a good market/ find a ready market/enjoy fast sales 
◆報拉格斯最低到岸價 quote the lowest price CIF Lagos
◆經(jīng)營紡織品多年 be in the line of textiles for many years 
◆貨物受歡迎 the goods are very popular with customers / have met with a warm reception /be well received/accepted/ enjoy a wide popularity among the buyers 
◆市場情況惡化 the market take a change for the worse 
◆皮革服裝 leather garments 
◆玻璃制品 glassware 
根據(jù)平等互利 的原則 on the basis of equality and mutual benefits
◆重合同守信用 honor/observe/respect/abide by/keep to/stick to the contract and keep/fulfill/ carry out one’s promise; stand by what one says 
◆公平競爭fair play
◆商業(yè)信譽 commercial integrity
◆高度評價 speak highly of
◆與……熟悉 make one’s acquaintance 
◆經(jīng)營某商品be in the line of … product 
◆必需品 essential articles 
◆稅收 duty 
◆采取新的外貿(mào)政策 take up/adopt new foreign trade policy
◆遵守通行的國際慣例 follow/observe the general international practices
◆分期付款 payment by installments 
◆外商獨資企業(yè) an enterprise exclusively with foreign capital  
◆補償貿(mào)易 compensation trade 
◆外貸 foreign loans 
◆進展迅速 progress rapidly
◆保持不變 remain unchanged
◆營銷 market 
◆完全有理由相信 have every reason to believe in …
◆先進技術(shù)與設(shè)備 advanced technology and equipment 
◆靈活的政策 flexible policy
◆有心事have something on one’s mind
◆經(jīng)濟蕭條 economic slackness 
◆裝船耽擱 delay in shipment 
◆通情達理 listen to reason
◆野蠻裝卸 rough handling 
◆理所當(dāng)然 stand to reason
◆不合情理 be contrary/against to reason
◆屬于你們的業(yè)務(wù)范圍 fall within the scope of your business 
◆包裝紙 packing paper 
◆塑料袋 polybag /polythene bag 
◆來料加工processing with supplied materials 
◆進料加工 processing with imported materials 
◆來樣加工 processing with supplied sample
◆來件裝配 assembling with supplied parts
◆租賃貿(mào)易 leasing trade
◆合資經(jīng)營 joint venture
◆開信用證 open an L/C
◆和某人達成協(xié)議 come to terms with somebody 
◆詢問有關(guān)條款 inquire about terms
◆使某人接受條款 bring somebody to terms 
◆執(zhí)行開放政策 pursue an open-door policy
◆一貫堅持平等互利的原則 always adhere to the principle of equality and mutual benefits
◆余額以優(yōu)惠付款的方式在…年內(nèi)付清 to have the rest in easy payments spread out in …years 
◆機床 machine tools 
◆專營 specialize in
◆供不應(yīng)求 demand exceeds supply
◆供過于求 supply exceeds demand
◆服務(wù)第一 service is the first motto 
◆樣品和規(guī)格 sample and specification 
◆滿足你方需求 to meet your requirements 
◆還盤 to make an counteroffer./counter bid
◆工藝美術(shù)品 arts and crafts
◆激烈競爭 sharp/fierce competition 
◆質(zhì)量和最后一道工序 the quality and finish
◆發(fā)貨 make the delivery 
◆站穩(wěn)腳跟 set a firm footing in…
◆顏色過于夸張 the color is too high-sounding 
◆訂購一空 be booked out 
◆按時裝船 punctual shipment 
◆脫銷 be out of stock
◆蝴蝶牌縫紉機 Butterfly sewing machine 
◆苛刻的付款條件 harsh payment terms 
◆無貨可供 no goods available 
◆暢銷品 best selling articles 
◆舊金山最低到岸價含傭金2% lowest quotation CIFC2%,San Francisco 
◆裝船單據(jù) shipping documents 
◆實盤 firm offer 
◆一旦供應(yīng)短缺  in case of short supply 
◆報盤有效期為15天 the offer will remain firm/valid/good/ for 15 days 
◆保險費 insurance premium 
◆運費 freight charge 
◆紅茶 black tea
◆售完 be sold out
◆茶葉產(chǎn)量急劇下降 the tea crop has sharply decreased
◆報盤兩天內(nèi)有效 the offer holds/remains good/firm/effective/valid for two days 
◆采取一切方式 employ all possible means
◆虎頭牌撲克 Tiger Head Brand playing cards
◆玻璃器皿銷路很暢/銷路不大/經(jīng)常有銷路 Glass wares are in great/small/regular demand.
◆增加供貨300箱茶葉 increase the tea supply by 300 cases
◆虧不起 can not afford to 
◆我們的報價大致如下:核桃50 公噸,每公噸歐洲主要口岸到岸價人民幣 2500 元,包括你方傭金2%,十月份裝運。 Our quotation is roughly as follows: Fifty metric tons of walnutmeat at RMB ¥ 2,500 per metric ton CIF European Main Port including your commission of 2% for shipment in October.
◆永久牌訓(xùn)練用自行車 Forever Brand Exercise Bicycle
◆以我方最后確認(rèn)為準(zhǔn) be subject to one’s final confirmation
◆有競爭余地 has edge on competition 
◆金獅牌折椅 Golden Lion folded chairs
◆地中海市場 the Mediterranean market
◆試訂 to place a trial order 
◆聽起來催人的 sound pushy
◆加緊,趕快 make haste
◆我們的記錄表明 Our record has it that…
◆熱那亞 Genoa
◆馬賽 Marseilles
◆安特衛(wèi)普 Antwerp
◆漢堡  Hamburg
◆哥本哈根 Copenhagen
◆以你方立即接受為準(zhǔn) be subject to your immediate acceptance
◆失效期 expiry date
◆印花棉布 printed cotton pieces 
◆同類產(chǎn)品 products of the same range
◆供現(xiàn)貨 supply from stock
◆即期裝運 prompt shipment
◆方便使用者user friendly
◆提高性能和可靠度 to improve efficiency and reliability 
◆高質(zhì)量理應(yīng)有高價 Better quality deserves higher price.
◆實際處境 actual position
◆不能與……匹敵 can not be comparable with/cannot compete with
◆高科技 high-tech
◆最后出價 final bid
◆這筆買賣真是賺了/賠了 It’s quite a bargain. 
◆加快裝運 to expedite shipment
◆值得推銷 be worth promoting 
◆報價比你方低 under-quote you
◆接受定貨 accept/book/enter an order
◆訂貨 place an order
◆續(xù)訂 repeat an order 
◆撤銷訂單 cancel the order
◆拒絕接受訂單 refuse/decline/turn down an order
◆羊毛 wool
◆不能接受你方報價 cannot entertain your offer 
◆從其它處得到的報價 to obtain quotation from other sources 
◆日本款式的貨 goods of Japanese make 
◆物超所值 give much value of the money
◆投放市場 put onto the market
◆減價6% cut down/shade the price by 6%
◆配合/順從某人 to comply with sb. 
◆最低價 bottom price/rock bottom price
◆成本價 cost price
◆市價 market price 
◆與市價不符  be out of line with the market level
◆價格上升 (the price) go up/increase/rise/advance
◆價格下降 (the price) come down/drop/fall/decline
◆價格偏高 be on the high side
◆提高 raise/improve/lift
◆減少 cut down/reduce/bring down
◆不能再往下去了 cannot go any further 
◆達成交易  to come to terms with you/to come to business/transaction with you on the following terms/ to close business at the price of/to close a deal with your offer/to conclude business/ to enter into business with you/to see/pull the business through
◆價格偏高 the price is on the high side
◆價格脫離我處的市場行情 the price is out of line with the ruling market 
◆價格比日本貨高出30% the price is 30% higher than that of Japanese goods
◆你一定知道 You must be aware of the fact that…
◆你不會不知道 You cannot be ignorant of the fact that…
◆(虧大了)更不用談什么利潤了 (We lose by…) not to speak of profit
◆價格飛漲 soar up
◆開門見山 come straight to the point
◆沒有機會 stand no chance
◆做成這筆交易 to pull the transaction through
◆折中 to meet each other half way
◆共同的努力 joint effort
◆把心里話說出來 to speak out one’s mind
◆當(dāng)然啰 by all means
◆沒問題 be out of question
◆沒門 be out of the question/by no means
◆價格意向 indication of price
◆分歧/差距太大 the gap is too wide
◆離題 get away from the point 
◆直達輪 direct steamer 
◆轉(zhuǎn)運 transshipment 
◆補償貿(mào)易 compensation trade
◆傭金 commission 
◆違背常見商務(wù)慣例go against the usual commercial practice
◆傭金代理商 commission agent 
◆干勁十足 strenuous efforts 
◆給予照顧 to extend one’s accommodation 
◆從總貨金中提取傭金 deduce from the value of the consignment
◆匯傭金 to remit commission 
◆價格低廉 keen price
◆利潤余地 profit margin 
◆已向外報價 be under offer 
◆暢銷貨 best sellers 
◆讓步 make concession 
◆推銷 to push the sale of 
◆專營這項產(chǎn)品 specialize in this line 
◆市場堅挺且有上升趨勢 firm market with an upward tendency 
◆不經(jīng)過中間商直接買賣 to deal with on principal-to-principal basis 
◆代理的商號 agent house 
◆薄利多銷 small profits make quick sales 
◆得寸進尺 be never satisfied/ be so insatiable 
◆太離題 go too far off the point
◆傭金率 commission rate 
◆經(jīng)營成本 operating cost
◆妥協(xié) make a compromise 
◆給傭金 grant commission
◆促銷 promote the sales
◆總而言之 in a nutshell 
◆大量詢價 a crowd of inquiries 
◆與廠商聯(lián)系要求追加訂貨 approach the manufacturers for an additional order 
◆凈價 net price
◆成交額 turnover 
◆對……無約束力 be without engagement 
◆支付方式 mode of payment
◆付款交單D/P (Document against Payment)  
◆承兌交單D/A (Document against Acceptance)
◆信用證L/C (Letter of Credit)
◆信譽地位 credit standing
◆保兌的不可撤銷的信用證 confirmed irrevocable L/C
◆超越我們能力 beyond our power
◆反之亦然 the other way round 
◆別無選擇只能 have no alternative other than/but
◆包裝不當(dāng) improper packing
◆備件 spare parts
◆使某人處于無休止的花費 be put to no end of expense
◆用即期信用證付款payment by L/C available against draft at sight
◆廠商訂單很多 the manufacturers are heavily committed
◆完全達成一致 arrive at a complete agreement/come to an agreement/conclude an agreement/ enter into an agreement/ reach an agreement/ make an agreement
◆結(jié)果令人滿意 turn out satisfactory
◆對……非常熟悉 be well acquainted with 
◆在這方面 in this respect 
◆遷就、照顧 accommodate 
◆在很少的情況下 under rare circumstances 
◆……不值得 it doesn’t pay for 
◆例外 make an exception 
◆一件一件來 one thing at a time 
◆遠(yuǎn)期信用證 time L/C
◆牽涉到許多花費 involve great expenses 
◆幫特別的忙 do a special favor 
◆履行義務(wù) to fulfill one’s obligation
◆取消合同 to cancel the contract
◆不受顧客歡迎 be out of favor with the customers 
◆(訂單)任務(wù)繁重 heavy commitments 
◆外匯匯率 rate of foreign exchange 
◆無與倫比 be superior beyond comparison 
◆辦個工廠 to run a factory 
◆有關(guān)的 covering
◆銀行手續(xù)費和保證金 bank charges as well as deposit 
◆備貨 to get the goods ready
◆訂艙 book the shipping space 
◆裝運 to effect shipment 
◆放心 rest assured 
◆諸如此類 and what not 
◆質(zhì)押資金 tie up one’s capital 
◆簽發(fā)信用證 to issue an L/C
◆開信用證 to open an L/C
◆出示單據(jù)議付 presentation of shipping documents and negotiation 
◆一定、務(wù)必 without fail 
◆展期20天 to extend for 20 days
◆憑樣交貨 shipment per sample 
◆允許分批裝運和轉(zhuǎn)船 partial shipment and transshipment allowed 
◆信用證少開了5000美元 the credit is short-established to the amount of $ 5000
◆買得起 afford to buy 
◆裝船延期 to postpone the shipmen t
◆盡力 to exert oneself 
◆及時交貨 timely delivery 
◆著手發(fā)運貨物 set about making delivery 
◆在有效期內(nèi) be within validity 
◆撤盤 to withdraw the offer 
◆金融狀況 financial status 
◆裝船通知 shipping advice
◆裝船須知 shipping instruction 
◆超過船舷 pass over the rail 
◆一勞永逸地告訴你 to tell you once and for all 
◆活到老學(xué)到老 one lives to learn
◆租船  to charter a ship 
◆承擔(dān)費用 to bear charges 
◆履行責(zé)任 to discharge/fulfill responsibilities 
◆裝運港 loading port 
◆關(guān)稅 custom duty 
◆合同號 contract number 
◆外行 layman 
◆或者說 or rather 
◆貨物吊上船 the goods on the hook
◆拍賣這一庫存 to sell off the stock
◆海關(guān)手續(xù) custom formalities 
◆虧本 lose out 
◆按嚴(yán)格程序 be in strict rotation 
◆提前裝運 to advance shipment 
◆確保準(zhǔn)時裝運 to ensure punctual shipment 
◆交易量 volume of trade 
◆(工人)上三班 work three shifts 
◆在手的過期未交貨訂單 back orders 
◆打退堂鼓 to back out 
◆忙季 busy season
◆旺季 high season 
◆蕭條季節(jié) slack season 
◆銷售季節(jié) shopping season 
◆上市、旺季 be in season 
◆下市、淡季 be out of season 
◆木箱 wooden case 
◆紙盒 cardboard box 
◆關(guān)稅配額 custom quota 
◆海關(guān)放行 custom clearance 
◆海關(guān)官員 custom officer 
◆安排裝船 arrange shipment 
◆加速裝船 expedite shipment 
◆延期裝船 extend shipment 
◆提前裝船 advance shipment 
◆延遲裝船 postpone shipment 
◆期貨 future 
◆艙位訂滿 the shipping space has been booked up 
◆直達輪 direct steamer 
◆增加貨物被盜或損壞的風(fēng)險 add to the risks of pilferage and damage 
◆修改信用證 to amend L/C
◆整批裝運 ship the whole lot at one time 
◆提出建議 to put forth a proposal 
◆急需這批貨 be in urgent need of the goods 
◆在途中 be in transit 
◆信用證條款與合同條款嚴(yán)格一致 the stipulations in the L/C are in strict conformity with that of the contract 
◆目的港 port of destination 
◆聚乙烯包裝物 polythene wrapper 
◆櫥窗展覽 window show 
◆立足市場 find a footing in the market 
◆趕時髦 to keep up with fashion 
◆式樣新奇、時尚 novel and fashionable design 
◆顏色鮮亮 bright color 
◆迎合顧客口味 to meet customers’ taste 
◆按照 as per 
◆攜帶輕便 light to handle 
◆保證安全 to ensure safety 
◆為……而感謝 be obliged for 
◆分公司 branch office 
◆小圓桶  keg 
◆麻袋 gunny bag 
◆鐵皮圓桶 drum 
◆茶葉箱 chest 
◆捆 bundle 
◆琵琶桶 barrel 
◆包裝費用 packing charges 
◆裝箱單 packing list 
◆包裝指示 packing instructions 
◆出口包裝 export packing 
◆內(nèi)包裝 inner packing 
◆外包裝 outer packing 
◆中性包裝 neutral packing 
◆適合海運的包裝 seaworthy packing/packing suitable for sea voyage 
◆遠(yuǎn)洋運輸 ocean transportation 
◆瓦楞硬紙板箱 three-layer cardboard boxes 
◆搶眼又搶錢 catch the eyes as well as the purse 
◆平安險 From Particular Average 
◆水漬險 With Particular Average 
◆一切險 All Risks 
◆額外保險 extra premium 
◆偷竊、提貨不著險 risk of Theft, Pilferage and Non-Delivery (TPND)
◆破碎險 risk of Breakage
◆油漬險 risk of Oil
◆滲漏險 risk of Leakage
◆玷污險 risk of Contamination 
◆罷工暴動、民變險 risk of Strike, Riot and Civil Commotion
◆淡水、雨淋險 risk of Fresh Water Damage
◆提出索賠 to lodge a claim
◆由某人付款 for one’s account 
◆商贊處 Commercial Counselor’s Office 
◆按發(fā)票金額 at the invoice value 
◆檢驗報告 a survey report 
◆獨家代理 sole agency
◆短交 short delivery 
◆豬鬃 bristle 
◆有廣泛的業(yè)務(wù)聯(lián)系 have a wide connection with/be closely connected with/ do considerable business with/ have close contact with/ be in close contact with 
◆銷售代理人 sales agent/selling agent 
◆采購代理人 purchasing agent/buying agent
◆獨家代理人 exclusive agent/sole agent
◆傭金代理人 commission agent
◆廣告代理人 advertising agent 
◆代理協(xié)議 agency agreement 
◆年成交量 annual turnover 
◆不遺余力 spare no effort 
◆生意興隆 a prosperous business 
◆在這一方面 in this connection 
◆紅豆 Red Bean
◆銷售條款 sales terms 
◆銷售合同 sales contract 
◆銷售額 sales turnover
◆銷售代表 sales representative 
◆市場活躍 market active 
◆市場呆滯market dull 
◆市價下跌 market declining
◆行市堅挺 market firm
◆行市疲軟 market easy
◆市況平穩(wěn) market stable
◆市況堅挺 market strong
◆市況不明 market uncertain 
◆市場疲軟 market weak
◆控制市場 to control the market 
◆穩(wěn)定物價 to stabilize the price 
◆加倍努力 double your efforts 
◆看透心事read one’s mind 
◆國內(nèi)需求會急劇上漲 the domestic demand will go up sharply 
◆定個時間 fix the time 
◆紡織品 textile 
◆電器產(chǎn)品 electricity products 
◆化工產(chǎn)品 chemicals 
◆達成協(xié)議 come to terms with
◆增添和刪除 addition and deletion 
◆市場下跌(熊市) with the market being bear
◆會議紀(jì)要 meeting minutes 
◆附件 accessory 
◆中國國際貿(mào)易促進委員會 CCPIT
◆仲裁委員會 Arbitration Commission 
◆求助于仲裁 resort to arbitration 
◆享有很高聲譽 enjoy a high prestige
◆仲裁裁決 arbitral award 
◆完好無損 sound and intact 
◆中國商檢局 China Commodity of Inspection 
◆符合出口標(biāo)準(zhǔn) be up to the standard of export
◆優(yōu)質(zhì)干蘑菇 well-dried mushrooms of fine quality 
◆向…...要求賠償 to approach …. For compensation 
◆當(dāng)場 on the spot 
◆證明 certify/verify/testify 
◆在途中 during transit/en route/on the way
◆提出索賠 to lodge/make/raise/issue/file/register/put in/ bring up a claim
◆短重 short weight 
◆就貨進行索賠 claim on goods 
◆就損壞索賠 claim for damage
◆就數(shù)量索賠 claim for amount 
◆向某人索賠 claim with/against somebody 
◆接受索賠 to accept a claim
◆受理索賠 to entertain a claim
◆同意索賠 to admit a claim 
◆駁回索賠 to dismiss a claim
◆拒絕索賠 to reject/decline/turn down a claim
◆解決索賠 to settle a claim 
◆放棄索賠 to waive a claim 
◆撤回索賠 to withdraw a claim
◆提單清潔的 Bill of Lading is clean
◆剪樣 cutting
◆權(quán)威部門authorized department 
◆合同中寫明的 specified in the contract 
◆接受索賠 to entertain a claim
◆不可挽回的損失 get retrievably lost 
◆檢驗費 inspection fee
◆理賠方面公平合理 be prompt and equitable in settling claims
◆澄清問題 get the matter cleared up
◆貨物發(fā)霉不能食用 the contents are moldy and unfit for consumption 
◆密封 airtight
◆塑料薄膜口袋 plastic bag 
◆迅速發(fā)貨 immediate/rush dispatch of the goods
◆董事會 board of directors 
◆為……鋪平道路 pave the way for 
◆友善的洽談 amiable negotiation 
◆留下深刻鮮明的印象 leave a deep and vivid impression on somebody
◆主持會議 to preside over a meeting
◆擴音器 public address system 
◆再見,一路順風(fēng)(法)Bon Voyage
◆檢票 check in 
◆與國際接軌 bring in line with the international practice
◆登艙 go on board 
◆世界貿(mào)易組織 World Trade Organization (WTO)



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